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About Me

No doubt because you've heard of my stellar skills, laid back yet fiery personality. So, if you're looking for a 6'0 BUXOM BLONDE whose intelligence matches the aforementioned skills, I am the woman for you. Yes, woman - you won't find a girl here. I'm wise and well versed in all venues of this industry we call a hobby. Who's game? Emmie For Menu and Donation information I encourage you to either visit my website or P411 profile. If interested in a knock your socks off 2 girl experience ask about my 100% GFE Doubles with the Magnificent Maggie Mae. Please pm me or for faster response you can text me at 913-666-8885 to set something up. As always if we've had the pleasure of meeting previously please feel free to text me. I'm Looking forward to feeling you inside me SOON!!

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