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The Lovely Zayra Portuguese Playboy Playmate aka Lena

About Me

Hello, my name is Lena aka Zayra

I’m a Portuguese Playboy Playmate and model.

I am an exciting woman who does not to live by rules. I make my own rules and live each day with abandon and joy.

I'm an ambitious, sophisticated and intelligent lady. An independent luxury companion.

A bit of a fashionista, I exude what could be best described as classy/foxy.

I am a sought-after artist's model due to my toned physique coupled with my dance training and yoga practice. I have been featured in Playboy and fashion magazines and I am working on my first cover here in the US. 

I believe in no rush quality time. Let me be your muse and take you on an adventure you won't soon forget. I'm very fit and athletic due to my yoga practice. I am open, energetic and completely confident you will be happy you met me!

If I caught your attention and you would like to see more of me please email to get to know me a little more. wink. wink.

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